
About Eric Edee

Born and raised in the bustling city of Atlanta, Georgia, Eric Edee has woven a rich tapestry of community service, volunteerism, and a deep commitment to architectural elegance and utility. Here, we’ll shed some light on his life’s work, emphasizing his professional achievements and unparalleled dedication to community building and international volunteer efforts.

Education and Foundation

Eric’s academic path was as structured and ambitious as his career. A proud alumnus of Georgia Institute of Technology, he emerged with a degree in architecture. However, he was never just about buildings and blueprints; his vision was always more encompassing. Recognizing early on how architecture could serve communities and enhance lives, his educational pursuits were merely the foundation for what was to become a lifelong mission of bringing people together for the common good.

His time at Westminster Schools and Woodberry Forest School further sculpted his understanding and appreciation for strong community values, laying the groundwork for his future endeavors. These institutions are renowned for their academic excellence and emphasis on character development and social responsibility, defining Eric’s career and philanthropic efforts.

Atlanta has been the canvas for Eric’s passion projects. His hands-on work with Atlanta International Schools and Trees Atlanta underscores a commitment to environmental advocacy and education that goes beyond mere lip service. By involving himself in these initiatives, he has helped foster a greater sense of environmental stewardship within the community, an invaluable contribution in an increasingly urgent era of ecological concerns.

His spirit of service knows no geographical bounds. His travels to South America and Europe and his volunteer construction projects in Guatemala, Ecuador, and Brazil showcase a global empathy—a desire to invoke change within his immediate surroundings and worldwide. Yet, what is most striking about Eric is his ability to translate this global consciousness into local action. His efforts through the NorthStar Foundation have channeled resources and energy into Atlanta-based charitable organizations, demonstrating a belief in starting change at home.

A Pioneer in Urban Development

Since January 2000, he has led Westwood Property Development on a mission to revolutionize the Southeastern and Midwestern real estate landscapes. Under his presidency, Westwood has become synonymous with pioneering residential mixed-use developments. His ventures have redefined urban living from the vibrant streets of Vinings, GA, and West Midtown Atlanta to the bustling locales of Nashville, TN; Knoxville, TN; and Bloomington, IN. These communities are not mere collections of buildings but ecosystems where life thrives, culture blossoms, and opportunities abound.

His educational background in architecture from Georgia Tech, fortified by his formative years at Westminster in Atlanta and Woodberry Forrest School in Charlottesville, Virginia, has equipped him with a unique blend of creative vision and pragmatic skills. This potent combination has been the bedrock of Westwood’s success, allowing the company to flourish and expand its horizons beyond traditional real estate paradigms.

Championing Philanthropy with the NorthStar Foundation

In January 2013, he broadened his horizon of influence by establishing NorthStar Charitable LLC, marking a significant pivot toward philanthropy. This initiative has seen Edee chair various volunteer and fundraising programs, supporting many Atlanta-based charities. 

Through NorthStar, he has contributed significantly to Fulton Academy of Science and Technology, Atlanta Park Pride, Foster Care Support Foundation, Providence Christian Academy, Fellowship Christian School, and Imagine That Creative Learning Center.

NorthStar Foundation, his brainchild, is not just another charitable organization; it is a testament to Edee’s firm belief in the power of giving back. The foundation’s mission aligns with Westwood Development’s overarching aims, underscoring a shared vision to empower, nurture, and enhance community welfare.

His work through Westwood and NorthStar Foundation illustrates a profound understanding that true success goes beyond the confines of professional achievements. It resides in the capacity to uplift, to inspire change, and to contribute meaningfully to society. His urban communities stand as much as monuments to modern living as they do to the spirit of communal growth and support.

A Legacy of Service

His biography is a powerful reminder that the measure of a life well-lived isn’t confined to personal or professional milestones but is also reflected in the positive impact one has on the world around them. His extensive volunteer work and successful career in architecture position him as a paradigm of selfless service and community orientation.

In celebrating Eric Edee, we are reminded of the essential connection between our work, our world, and the welfare of others. His life encourages us to look beyond our achievements, urging us to leverage our talents and resources to serve the broader community. Through his example, he challenges us to consider how we can contribute to building more inclusive, supportive, and vibrant communities.

His story is refreshing and inspiring in an age that often prioritizes individual success over collective welfare. It is a compelling call to action for us to engage more deeply with our communities, volunteer our time and skills, and commit ourselves to making the world a better place, one brick, one tree, and one home at a time.

Eric Edee
